Somehow, it works, thanks largely to Farrell. Those caterpillar eyebrows of anxiety signal just about everything we need to know. Without a word, they sum up what we talk about when we talk about love. - Stephanie Zacharek, Time The Lobster is a satire on the subject of our universal obsession with relationships, and our conviction that couplehood is the supreme expression of human happiness, a civilised institution which distinguishes us from the beasts. -Peter Bradshaw, The Guardian 2015 Menjadi tahun dimana film-film terbaik sepanjang masa muncul. diantaranya yakni Jurassic World, Film peperangan antar Galaksi Star Wars, hingga sequel ketujuh dari film kebut-kebutan yang fenomenal, Fast & Furious, diantara film-film berlabel "mega" tersebut, diantaranya berhasil merajai box office diseluruh dunia. tetapi disini penulis tidak membicarakan salahs satu film tersebut. melainkan Film yang amat fenomenal, dan sempat wara-wiri diberbagai nominasi Festival film...